Highline College

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Thanksgiving 2022-11-16T14:25:30+00:00

Linda Faaren

I’m Linda Faaren and it is my great joy to be the director of the Puget Sound Welcome Back Center that helps internationally educated professionals return to their careers in Washington State.

During this month of November, we take time to be thankful for the many good things in our lives. Personally, I am so thankful to live in this beautiful state that allows us to enjoy nature throughout the year. I’m looking forward to getting out on my snowshoes soon!  Professionally, at the Welcome Back Center I am so GRATEFUL for the tenacity of the professionals who have moved to Washington. They are willing to WORK HARD to get relicensed and recertified. They are an inspiration for us.



Cheryl Cariño-Burr

Personally, I’m grateful for being able to laugh at many situations. My family gets through hard times by seeing the humor in it.

Professionally, I’m grateful and honored to be able to listen to the stories of those I work with. It may be just an experience to them, but these stories are so personal and meaningful. I’m humbled to be able to share a part of their lives and honored that they trust me enough to let me know them in such a close way.



Luoana Leyes

I am grateful for the can-do attitude of everyone I work alongside. No matter the mountains that the participants face, each and every one of them is determined to overcome it. That inspiration makes coming to work each day a treat.

I am grateful for the people who fill my life with love, smiles, and support. Especially my husband who encourages and supports of all my projects, hopes and dreams.