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Engineering Internships with the City of Seattle for Recent Arrivals

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Engineering Internships with the City of Seattle for Recent Arrivals 2023-02-08T09:05:27+00:00

Engineering Internships with the City of Seattle for Recent Arrivals


Highline College’s Welcome Back Center is working in cooperation with Jewish Family Service and TRAC Associates to support internationally educated engineers to apply for paid engineering internships with the City of Seattle with Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle City Light and the Seattle Department of Transportation.  WBC and JFS will work with internship applicants to prepare their application materials and support them in fulfilling the educational eligibility requirements of the internship if they are selected.  


The City of Seattle has worked to open these internships to internationally educated professionals to support career reentry for newly arrived refugees, immigrants, Special Immigration Visa holders and Humanitarian Parolees who are authorized to work in the United States.   This is a great opportunity to gain experience in a U.S. workplace for civil, structural, and electrical engineers.  Internships are paid, and last anywhere from 3 to 18 months.   


For more information about the internships, please contact Ken Peavler at Jewish Family Service-  kpeavler@jfsseattle.org